Avian Veterinarian's

Here is a list of Avian Vet's that we personal know of and like.

Payson Family Pet Hospital
Dr. Jay Dee Ipsen
43 N 1000 E Payson, UT 84651
Phone: 801-465-1800
Fax: 801-465-1900

We do not know the follow Veterinarians.

Bird & Exotic Pet Hospital
1050 Fort Union Blvd
Midvale, UT 84047
Phone: (801) 565-1263

Below is a list of some Avian Vet's from the The Association of Avian Veterinarians. You can go to there website and get a list of Avian Vet by state. There web address is http://www.aav.org/search/index.php

Ross S. Anderson, DVM
Clinic Name:
Address: 10575 S. 700E
City/State: Sandy, UT 84070

Douglas W. Folland, DVM
Clinic Name: Parrish Creek Veterinary Clinc
Address: 86 N 70 W.
City/State: Centerville, UT 84014
P: 8012982014
F: 8012982213

Amy Shima, DVM C
Clinic Name: Tumbleweed Veterinary Services, P.C.
City/State: , UT
P: 435-632-2129

Lara Taylor, Dr.
Clinic Name: Clearfield Veterinary Clinic
Address: 428 N. Main St.
City/State: Clearfield, UT 84015
P: 801-776-4372
F: 801-776-4399