About us

My name is Gena and I run and write almost everything currently on this website. Some people have asked about who I am and what got me into birds so below is information about me and why I do this.

I have been involved with birds for well over 10 years. My first bird was a ring necked dove when I was a child. Angel as I called her was a beautiful bird and fun to listen to but she wasn't very friendly but she started my interest in birds. When I met my husband he had a love of parrots that I didn't completely share. His Great Grandmother had always had Canaries when he was growing up and always made sure that he had parakeet or 2 as a kid. As he got older he got into larger birds. In fact when we got married he told me that he loved birds and that we would have them. I told him no way but things quickly changed. He got me a hand feed Parakeet named Baby and I fell in love but I also sad that I couldn't pet my parakeet and so my husband got me a cockatiel. After that I started talking to anyone that had birds and reading anything I could find on any species of companion bird.  We got our first pair of cockatiels and started breeding. We had great success and ended up breeding both parakeets and cockatiels. During this time we had several people call us and ask us to take in birds that where pluckers, screamers, bitters or that where just unwanted. We took them in and we found homes for some and others we bred. After a while we began to understand the true needs of birds and that there were far to many birds needing good homes to be breeding. Around the same time we Purchased our first big bird a Blue and Gold Macaw. We got her for my husband as she was his dream bird but after about 6 months she became my best friend and my bird. I felt so lucky and she really was my friend and companion. From that point on I continued to due more research into birds and there needs. Over time we started doing rescue and started Wings of Hope Bird Rescue.  We started the rescue in 2005 but only a small scale and for birds that found us. In 2008 we started running a full time rescue but after some family health issues and lack of funding we had no choice but to close the rescue.

Why I do this.

When we had to close the rescue I was heart broken and had a hard time just standing by not helping birds or people and so I created this website to help anyone wanting to learn about birds. My goal is to teach people about birds and to help eliminate bird abuse that is simply because of a lack of knowledge. I truly love parrots and can't stand seeing them be hurt. In many ways I see parts of myself in Parrots. Even though parrots can talk they  don't have a voice to tell people of there pain or happiness. When I was a child I went through a lot of very bad abuse and the pain of that abuse is still with me today and in many ways I have been able heal some of my own wounds by helping animals. I have always been an animal lover in fact as a child my mom always said that if there was a lost or hurt animal within 10 miles of my home I was bringing it home to fix it or find it's family and so in many ways this is just an extension of  me trying to help animals.    

I truly love parrots and everything with or about them has become my passion. Now, I don't know everything when it comes to parrots as there are more than 200 Species of parrot and no one does but I am constantly doing research and learning new things from breeders, trainers, my own birds and other bird owners. So on this website I have posted what I have learned as well as facts about different species of parrots. The only thing I ask is that you read the information on my website and then research things for yourself. I don't want you to just take my word for it. The information on this site is intended to be a starting point and a resource for the care and well being of Parrots.

If you have questions or need help with your bird please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to help you as much as can. 

My Family of Birds

Although my first Blue and Gold passed away in Nov 2007 we now share our lives and home with my 27 year old Blue and Gold Macaw Zazu, our 6 year old Red Shouldered Macaw Tico, my Daughter's 2 year old Rainbow Lorikeet Nana, My 11 year old African Grey named Bird, Our 24 year old Timneh African Grey named Wiki and last but not least my husbands 15 year old Lessor Sulfur Crested Cockatoo named Paddy Cakes. Most of my birds are pictured on this website. 

This is me and my beloved Zazu in 2007

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